February 23, 2011

More than a Coincidence

Today something happened that reminded me of how (to borrow from Oswald Chambers) God is constantly engineering our circumstances to bring glory to His name. I needed to run several errands this morning, and so it was necessary to ride in several different taxis. While living here in metro Manila, catching taxis and jeepneys has been a regular part of our lives. I've long since lost count of how many we've ridden during the past several months. Awhile back, I told about some tokens with scripture verses that I have been giving to taxi drivers along with their fare(click here to read). Just this morning, as I was riding home in yet another taxi, the driver said that he thought I had been his passenger once before. He then reached into his glove compartment, and pulled out (you guessed it) one of those "gospel" coins! In a city teeming with millions of people . . . and thousands of taxis . . . I can only conclude that this was not a mere coincidence. Perhaps God allowed me to water a seed that was sown months ago. Perhaps someone else will get to reap the harvest someday. I'm just happy that God allowed me to catch a small glimpse of how He is constantly working not only in the big events of this world, but also in the micro-details of mundane things in our lives -- things like riding taxis and sharing scripture tokens.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting. We are praying for you.
    Phillip and family in Colombia
