Although the primary focus of our time here in Manila is on learning language and culture, we also want God to use as as witnesses for Christ. Before coming to the Philippines, our friend, Pastor Darrell Stetler II, gave us a box of metal tokens. One one side of the "coin" is John 3:16 (in Tagalog/Filipino) and on the other side it asks the question, "Where will you spend eternity?" (John 3:36).

We have enjoyed giving these to taxi drivers each week along with their fare. The response has been very positive. Usually the driver's face will light up, and as we leave the cab, he will still be sitting there reading the message on the coin. It seems like such a small "seed" to sow . . . but in reality, it is the indestructible Word of God which will not return void.
AWESOME! You and Sarah are already amazing missionaries! And there is not doubt about it, Pastor Darell Stetler II has a missionary heart! VERY Proud of that young man and of you!