Rev. David Yucaddi took Tim Keep and R.G. to visit a couple of the new church plants up in the mountains.
The mountain roads can be quite rugged in places!
Along the way we came up on a mudslide that had completely covered the road. People were working trying to manually clear the road enough for traffic to get through.
They were able to clear enough of a path that vehicles could climb over the mudslide and continue on their way.
We enjoyed a visit with Pastor Benjamin and his wife at Hapao, where a new church has recently been built.
Pictured below is the place where Sis. Margie Yucaddi (David's wife) is planting a church. The upper part of this little building is her living quarters, and the area underneath is where she holds services. Already she is having as many as about 40 people to attend. Already, there has been a noticeable change in what has been a very rough and even dangerous community on this mountainside..JPG)
Please pray for our church planters and pastors who are working tirelessly to bring the gospel to these remote communities.